The People’s GRB Network (Gnet) Green Economy

The GRB Ecological (Eco) Cryptocurrency Algorithm
People value natural resources at 5 quadrillion (q) ecos with the buying power of 2020 US$. People’s US$ assets are converted to GRB ecos and possessions are transferred by smart eco contracts. The GRB gains income from an ecosystem impact fee on GRB eco accounts and exchanges ecos with the GRB eco reserve to sustain ecosystem equilibrium. People’s average ecosystem impact sets peoples eco account fees and the impacts of transparent commercial eco accounts sets their fees. GRB eco income maintains the GRB network and basic income supports everyone for life. The GRB invests .1q ecos each in eco-restoration, conservation, education, recycling, clean energy, technology, science, health care, housing, agroecology, infrastructure, the arts, AI, the GRB network and disarmament. The people’s average feedback to the GRB eco algorithm adjusts the eco value of natural resources, the GRB network percentage and the amount of people’s basic income. GRB is a decentralized autonomous network of people who rule the GRB eco algorithm by majority. Free-flowing GRB eco accounts are accessed by biometric identification and guardians have proxy rights. After one year of inactivity GRB eco accounts revert to the reserve.

GRB ecos (e) Balance Sheet in quadrillions (q)
Assets                                        Liabilities

5.0 natural resources              3.0 basic income for 8b+ people x e50/day x 20 years
1.0 US$ assets > e                    1.5 investments in eco-restoration, conservation, etc. _________________________________________________________________________________________
6.0 ecos minus                         4.5 = e1.5q reserve

The World Economy is Bankrupt
Mother Earth News – Dr. Arthur Shaw on Copionics Voiceover
NYAS: Implications of an Alternative World Exchange System
Jo Conrad Interviews John Pozzi and Monika Hoy
What is Ecological Economics? – Dr. Dan O’Neill
The Green Eco Economy Conference. Join us.

Network GRB.

Peace, Arthur Shaw, Frances Fox, Monika Hoy, Jo Anne Hissey and