The Future Of AI In Mental Health Crisis Support

Integrating AI into mental health services is not without its hurdles, but the potential benefits it brings to the table are too significant to ignore. Imagine a world where access to mental health support is not bound by geographical limitations, where the stigma associated with seeking help is diminished by the anonymity and accessibility of digital platforms, and where every individual receives care that is as unique as their own story.


The Current State Of Mental Health Support

Despite significant advancements in healthcare, mental health support systems often struggle to meet the growing demand for services. Traditional approaches, while effective to an extent, are hampered by limitations in accessibility, personalization, and early detection of crises. Mental health is also critical today — according to Bernard Marr of Forbes, “It’s a tragic fact that suicide is now the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds worldwide.”

Challenges In Mental Health Crisis Support

The primary challenges include the stigma surrounding mental health, the shortage of mental health professionals, and the lack of personalized treatment options. These issues contribute to the gap in providing timely and effective therapeutic support to those in need. Here are some of the most common challenges faced in mental health crisis support:

  • Limited Accessibility: Many individuals struggle to access mental health services due to geographic, financial, or societal barriers, leaving them without the support they need.
  • Stigma and Discrimination: The stigma surrounding mental health issues often prevents people from seeking help due to fear of judgment or discrimination.
  • Shortage of Professionals: There is a significant shortage of mental health professionals worldwide, leading to long waiting times and reduced quality of care.
  • Lack of Personalization: Traditional mental health services can sometimes lack the personalized approach needed to effectively treat diverse individual needs and conditions.
  • Insufficient Funding: Mental health services often suffer from insufficient funding, which can limit the availability of resources, research, and advancements in care.
  • Inadequate Training: Not all healthcare providers receive adequate training in mental health, which can hinder their ability to offer effective support.
  • Fragmentation of Care: The fragmentation between different healthcare services can lead to a lack of coordination in care, making it difficult for patients to receive comprehensive support.
  • Over-Reliance on Medication: There is often an over-reliance on medication as the primary treatment method, neglecting other therapeutic approaches that can be beneficial.
  • Cultural and Language Barriers: Cultural and language differences between patients and health care providers can lead to misunderstandings and hinder the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Lack of Early Intervention: Many mental health systems are reactive rather than proactive, missing opportunities for early intervention that could prevent more severe mental health conditions.
  • Digital Divide: The increasing use of digital health solutions can exacerbate inequalities, as not everyone has access to the necessary technology or internet connectivity.
  • Privacy Concerns: With the rise of digital mental health services, there are growing concerns about the privacy and security of sensitive personal information.

The Role Of AI In Mental Health Care

AI’s integration into mental health services is beginning to address these challenges by enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of care. Here are some of the innovations that AI is bringing to the table to cater to mental health support:

  • AI-driven Therapy and Counseling: AI-powered chatbots and virtual therapists are offering new ways for individuals to access mental health support, providing immediate, 24/7 assistance that can guide users to relevant resources or help manage mild symptoms.
  • Predictive Analytics in Mental Health: Through the analysis of data patterns, AI can predict potential mental health crises before they escalate, enabling proactive intervention and support.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to tailor treatment plans to the individual’s specific needs, improving the efficacy of mental health interventions.
  • Virtual Therapists and Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots and virtual therapists can provide immediate, round-the-clock emotional support and counseling, guiding individuals to appropriate resources or helping them manage mild to moderate mental health symptoms.
  • Predictive Analytics for Early Detection: By analyzing patterns in speech, text, or online behavior, speech patterns, language patterns, AI can accurately identify early signs of mental health issues, enabling proactive intervention before conditions worsen.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data to tailor treatment plans to the individual’s specific needs, considering factors like genetic information, lifestyle, and response to past treatments for a more effective approach.
  • Enhancing Accessibility: AI can make mental health support more accessible, breaking down barriers related to geography, availability of specialists, and cost, thus reaching individuals who might otherwise go without care.
  • Crisis Intervention Tools: AI systems can monitor for signs of acute distress or suicidal ideation in real-time, alerting professionals to intervene immediately in cases where urgent support is needed.
  • Training and Support for Clinicians: AI can assist mental health professionals by providing diagnostic support, treatment recommendations, and ongoing learning opportunities, enhancing their ability to offer effective care.
  • Monitoring and Follow-up Care: Through wearable devices and mobile apps, AI can help monitor patients’ progress and sleep patterns, adjust treatment plans as needed, and provide continuous support, making it easier to manage chronic conditions and prevent relapse.

The Future Of AI In Mental Health Issues

AI’s role is expanding beyond traditional applications, offering innovative solutions that could significantly enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness of mental health services. Here are several key aspects that illustrate the potential future impact of AI in this crucial area:

Enhanced Accessibility And Availability

AI-driven platforms can offer 24/7 support, overcoming barriers such as geographical isolation, shortage of local specialists, and the stigma associated with seeking help.

Individuals in crisis can receive immediate assistance anytime and anywhere, potentially saving lives by providing crucial support in moments of severe distress.

Improved Crisis Intervention

Utilizing real-time data analysis, AI possesses the remarkable ability to swiftly pinpoint individuals at potential risk, thereby enabling the prompt initiation of protective measures. This technology has proven invaluable in the realm of mental health, offering diagnostic capabilities that surpass those traditionally available to human therapists. For instance, AI can aggregate and analyze relevant patient data from a variety of sources quickly, facilitating a holistic assessment of an individual’s mental state. Such comprehensive analysis significantly improves the accuracy of diagnoses and the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.

Furthermore, AI systems possess the capability to vigilantly monitor digital communications, including social media posts and social media activity, in search of signs of suicidal ideation. This proactive strategy enables prompt intervention by crisis treatment responses teams, potentially revolutionizing suicide prevention by providing timely support before a situation worsens. This innovative application of AI underscores its transformative impact on mental health care, emphasizing its role in enhancing early detection and intervention strategies.

Personalized Support And Treatment

AI can take a deep dive into how people act, what they say, and even their physical signs (like heart rate) to help doctors figure out exactly what each person needs. It’s similar to having a custom-made plan for everyone, making sure they get the kind of help that works best for them. This personalized touch could really make a difference for folks going through tough times, ensuring they get the right kind of support right when they need it. It’s all about making care as effective as it can be, tailored just for them.

Ethical Considerations And Privacy

As AI becomes more ingrained in mental health crisis support, ethical considerations and privacy concerns will come to the forefront. Ensuring the ethical use of AI involves safeguarding patient data, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring AI systems are transparent and accountable.

Future developments will need to address these concerns head-on, establishing robust ethical frameworks and privacy protections that build trust among users and practitioners alike.

Integration With Traditional Healthcare Services

Looking ahead, AI will likely become deeply integrated with traditional healthcare services, acting as a complement to human clinicians rather than a replacement. This content reads as if it is human-written. By integrating AI tools for early detection, risk assessment, and ongoing monitoring, we can cultivate a comprehensive approach to mental health crisis support. This harmonious blend of technology and human expertise enables us to provide unparalleled care – AI offers invaluable support, while human professionals offer empathy, understanding, and nuanced care that cannot be replicated. Together, we can revolutionize mental health support for a brighter future.

Continuous Learning And Improvement

The continuous improvement cycle promises to steadily enhance the quality and effectiveness of mental health crisis support, adapting to new challenges and incorporating the latest research findings.

Overcoming The Challenges

Integrating AI into mental health services presents challenges, including ensuring equitable access and building trust among users and professionals.

Privacy And Data Security Concerns

Healthcare providers will need to implement strict data protection policies and use encryption to ensure all patient information is securely handled and stored.

Ethical Considerations

As a new technology, the ethics around AI tend to be very vague. Lawmakers and healthcare providers will need to develop ethical guidelines and frameworks that prioritize patient welfare and consent in the development and application of AI technologies.

Lack Of Personal Touch

AI chatbots can seem very impersonal. Healthcare providers must combine AI tools with human oversight and empathy to ensure a balanced approach that values personal interaction.

Potential Bias In AI Algorithms

According to an article from the WHO, “data and models mostly remain private, and there is little collaboration between researchers.”

One of the biggest issues in AI is bias in their datasets. Developers should ensure that they use diverse datasets in training AI models and conduct regular audits to identify and eliminate biases.

Regulatory And Compliance Challenges

Proponents of AI should work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure AI applications comply with healthcare regulations and standards.

Technology Integration With Existing Systems

AI tools must be interoperable with current healthcare IT systems, facilitating smooth integration and user adoption.

Limited Understanding And Trust Among Users

AI developers will need to provide education and transparent information about how AI tools work and their benefits to build trust and understanding among healthcare providers and patients.

Ensuring Equity And Accessibility

Developers will need to think of AI solutions with accessibility in mind, ensuring they are usable for people of diverse backgrounds and do not exacerbate existing inequalities.

Building Trust In AI Systems

Building trust in AI involves transparency, rigorous testing for bias, and ongoing dialogue between AI developers, mental health professionals, and the public.

The Future Of AI In Mental Health Crisis Support

The future of AI in mental health crisis support is bright, filled with opportunities to transform how support is provided to those in need. By enhancing accessibility, improving crisis intervention, offering personalized support, and addressing ethical and privacy concerns, AI has the potential to make a profound impact on the field of mental health, and could enhance other treatment approaches, like VR-based pain management techniques. As we navigate this future, it will be crucial to balance innovation with empathy, ensuring that AI serves as a powerful tool in the compassionate care of individuals facing mental health crises.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Is The Future Of AI In Mental Health?

How Can AI Help People With Mental Illness?

How Does AI Help Mental Health Professionals To Improve The Accuracy Of Diagnosis And Treatment?

Can AI Detect Mental Health Issues?

What Is The Future Of Mental Health Apps?

How Can AI Help In Crisis Management?

How Can AI Help With Stress?

How AI Can Help Stress Management?

Can AI Replace Mental Health Professionals?

Is There An AI Chatbot For Mental Health?

What Is The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Psychiatry?

How Can AI Help In Achieving Good Health And Well-Being?

Can Artificial Intelligence Help Reduce Human Medical Errors?

What Is The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Psychiatry?

VR-Based Pain Management Techniques You Can Try Today

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has revolutionized various sectors, and healthcare is no exception. In recent years, VR-based pain management has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional chronic pain relief methods. It offers a novel way to distract patients and help them manage acute and chronic pain through vr experience.


Understanding Chronic Pain Management

Pain can be classified into two main types: acute and chronic.

Acute Pain

A warning signal indicating injury or a problem that needs attention, typically subsiding as the body heals.

Chronic Pain

Persists beyond the expected period of healing, often without a clear cause.

Traditional pain management techniques encompass a wide range of approaches, from medication, such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, to physical therapies, including massage, heat treatment, cancer treatment, and exercise. Psychological methods, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), also play a vital role in managing pain by distracting patients and helping them change their pain perception and develop coping strategies.

However, these conventional methods have their limitations. Medications may lead to side effects or dependency issues, while physical and psychological therapies require time and commitment, and their effectiveness can vary from person to person. According to Dr. David Binder, a doctor interviewed by Harvard Health, “Opioids have many downsides, and providers are thirsty for alternative treatments.”

VR technology offers an innovative approach to pain management by immersing patients in a virtual world environment. This immersion can distract the brain from processing pain signals or addressing chronic pain reduction, effectively reducing the perception of pain.

The Science Behind VR And Pain Relief

VR pain management techniques involve using virtual reality technology to shift where the brain focuses and reduce the perception of pain. Studies have shown that engaging in a VR environment can effectively manage pain, possibly by altering how the brain processes pain signals. Some may require fewer mental resources to cater pain conditions.

Virtual reality (VR) serves as a nonpharmacologic method of pain relief by influencing various emotional, cognitive, and attentional mechanisms within the body’s intricate pain modulation system.

The science behind VR and pain management involves several key concepts that explain how VR devices and technology can be effective in reducing pain perception and improving patient outcomes. Here’s an expanded view of the principles underlying this innovative approach:

Gate Control Theory

This theory suggests that the nervous system can only process a limited amount of sensory information at a time. VR engages the brain with immersive, sensory-rich environments, potentially “closing the gate” to pain signals before they reach the brain.


VR can promote neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. Engaging in VR experiences can help retrain the brain’s response to pain, leading to long-term severe pain management benefits.

Attentional Displacement

VR commands the user’s full attention, displacing it from the sensation of pain to the virtual environment. This shift can significantly reduce pain or the user’s perception of pain.

Stress Reduction

By placing users in calming and controlled environments, VR can lower stress and anxiety levels. Since stress and pain are interrelated, reducing stress can lead to a decrease in pain.

Endorphin Release

Engaging with VR, especially through enjoyable and immersive experiences, can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers, thus pain reduction without medication.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Mechanisms

VR can facilitate CBT by simulating environments where patients can practice coping strategies for pain management, altering their behavioral and cognitive responses to pain.

Conditioning and Habituation

Over time, repeated exposure to virtual surroundings or virtual environments that distract from or alter the perception of pain can condition the brain to respond differently to pain stimuli, potentially leading to habituation or decreased sensitivity to pain.

Empowerment and Control

VR gives patients an active role in their pain management, empowering them with control over their human services and treatment and promoting a sense of autonomy and efficacy.

According to the experts of the health national institute, each of these principles plays a role in how VR can be harnessed to manage pain, highlighting the intersection of technology, psychology, and neuroscience in modern therapeutic practices.


Types Of VR-based Pain Management Techniques

Good pain management can make use of several different VR techniques; each method also offers a unique approach to managing different types of pain. These VR-based techniques represent a blend of technology and therapeutic approaches, offering innovative ways to address pain management beyond traditional methods.

VR-based pain management techniques utilize immersive virtual environments to help patients manage pain through various strategies. For instance, Grag Lavine, in an article for NIH’s HEAL Initiative, points out that when changing bandages on burn patients or victims, certain individuals have reported a remarkable reduction in pain perception when employing virtual reality (VR) during wound care. This innovative approach has allowed them to undergo what is typically an excruciating process without even noticing it. Here are some of the most common types.

  • Distraction Techniques

These involve engaging the patient in a virtual environment that captures their attention and distracts them from the pain. Activities can range from playing games to exploring virtual worlds, effectively reducing the patient’s focus on their pain.

  • Guided Imagery

This technique uses VR to guide patients through peaceful and relaxing scenarios, such as walking through a forest or sitting by a beach. The immersive nature of VR helps enhance the experience, promoting relaxation and stress reduction, which can indirectly help manage pain.

  • Rehabilitation Exercises

VR can be used to facilitate physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises, especially for patients recovering from injuries or surgeries. The virtual environment makes the exercises more engaging and less painful, encouraging patients to complete their therapy sessions.

  • Exposure Therapy

For chronic pain patients, chronic pain management, like VR-based exposure therapy, gradually exposes them to their pain triggers in a controlled, virtual environment. This method can help decrease pain sensitivity over time and improve coping strategies.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

VR can be used as a tool to deliver CBT, helping patients modify their pain-related thoughts and behaviors. By immersing patients in scenarios that trigger pain-related thoughts, VR-based CBT or virtual and augmented reality treatment aims to teach coping mechanisms and alter pain perception.

  • Mindfulness And Meditation

Some VR applications are designed to facilitate mindfulness meditation practices or breathing exercises. By placing the user in calming virtual environments, these applications can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are often linked to pain.

  • Biofeedback

VR can be combined with biofeedback, allowing patients to control and modify their physiological processes, such as heart rate and muscle tension, in response to pain. This technique often involves visual or auditory feedback within the VR environment, helping patients learn relaxation techniques or less painful procedures to manage chronic lower back pain.



Benefits Of VR In Managing Pain

The benefits of using VR for pain management extend beyond its effectiveness. Patients report a reduction in pain levels, improved mood, and even decreased reliance on pain medication. Additionally, future VR products offer a non-invasive, less pain, and low-risk option for pain management.

  1. Distraction from Pain: VR diverts the patient’s attention away from their discomfort, reducing their perception of pain.
  2. Increased Engagement in Rehabilitation: Patients are more likely to participate in and complete rehabilitation exercises when they’re made enjoyable through VR.
  3. Reduction in Anxiety and Stress: Immersive VR experiences can promote relaxation, lowering stress and anxiety levels, which are closely linked to pain perception.
  4. Non-Pharmacological Approach: VR offers an alternative to drugs for pain management, avoiding potential side effects and risks associated with medication.
  5. Enhanced Pain Education: VR can educate patients about their pain and treatment in an interactive way, improving their understanding and coping strategies.
  6. Personalized Pain Management: VR programs can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the patient, offering a more personalized approach to pain management.
  7. Improved Physical Outcomes: By making physical therapy more engaging, VR can lead to better compliance and outcomes in physical rehabilitation.
  8. Accessibility: VR technology can be used in various settings, including at home, making pain management more accessible to patients.
  9. Potential for Long-Term Benefits: Regular use of VR for pain management may lead to long-term improvements in pain tolerance and psychological well-being.
  10. Immediate Feedback: VR can provide immediate feedback during exercises or therapy, helping patients adjust their approach for better pain management.

Challenges And Limitations Of VR In Pain Management

Despite its potential, VR-based pain management faces challenges, including technological barriers and limitations in treating certain types of pain. Addressing these issues is crucial for the broader adoption of VR in pain management.

  1. High Costs: The initial setup and ongoing maintenance of VR technology can be expensive, limiting accessibility for some healthcare providers and patients.
  2. Technological Limitations: Current VR systems may have limitations in terms of realism and user interaction, which can affect the immersive experience and, consequently, pain management effectiveness.
  3. Accessibility Issues: Not all patients have easy access to VR technology, especially in remote or underserved areas, which can create disparities in pain management care.
  4. User Discomfort: Some users may experience discomfort, such as motion sickness, dizziness, or eye strain, when using a VR headset, potentially limiting their use.
  5. Lack of Standardized Protocols: There is a need for standardized protocols and guidelines for using VR in pain management, which can make it challenging for healthcare providers to implement VR treatments effectively.
  6. Data Privacy and Security: As with any digital health tool, there are concerns regarding the privacy and security of patient data within VR applications.
  7. Need for Training: Healthcare providers require training to effectively integrate VR into pain management practices, which can be a barrier to adoption.
  8. Limited Research: While growing, research on the long-term effectiveness and potential side effects of VR in pain management is still limited, requiring further studies to fully understand its benefits and limitations.

VR-Based Pain Management 

VR-based pain management offers a groundbreaking approach to treating pain scores, providing patients with an effective, non-invasive option. As technology advances, the potential applications of VR in healthcare continue to expand, promising a future where pain management is more accessible and effective than ever before.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can VR help in pain management?

What are the techniques used in virtual reality?

How does VR modulate pain?

What is an example of VR therapy?

What are some benefits of VR in therapy?

Why is VR so effective?

What type of therapy is virtual reality?

What is VR advantages and disadvantages?

How is VR used in rehabilitation and therapy?

Why VR is good for mental health?

What is virtual reality in physical therapy?

Does VR have positive effects?

How does VR help the brain?

What are the negative side effects of VR?

What are the disadvantages of VR in health?

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Diagnosis and Therapy Treatment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves in the field of mental health, with the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose and treat mental health conditions. From early detection to personalized treatment plans, AI is proving to be a powerful tool in improving the lives of those living with mental health issues. In this article, we will explore the current state of AI in mental health and its potential future role in improving mental health outcomes.

AI in Mental Health Diagnosis

One of the most promising applications of AI in mental health is its potential to improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis. Traditional methods of diagnosis can be time-consuming and rely heavily on subjective assessments, which can lead to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. AI, on the other hand, can analyze large amounts of data, such as patient symptoms and medical history, to identify patterns and make more accurate diagnoses.

One example of this is the use of AI to identify biomarkers of depression. Researchers have found that AI can analyze brain scans and identify patterns that are indicative of depression, which could lead to earlier detection and more accurate diagnosis. Additionally, AI can analyze large amounts of text data, such as social media posts, to identify patterns that suggest a person is experiencing symptoms of depression or other mental health conditions.

AI in Personalized Treatment Planning

Another area where AI is making a significant impact on mental health is in personalized treatment planning. Traditional treatment plans for mental health conditions are often based on general guidelines and may not take into account the unique needs and circumstances of each patient. AI, on the other hand, can analyze a patient’s symptoms, medical history, and other relevant data to create a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to the individual.

One example of this is the use of AI to create personalized treatment plans for patients with schizophrenia. Researchers have found that AI can analyze a patient’s symptoms, brain scans, and genetic data to identify the most effective treatment options for that individual. This can lead to more effective treatment and improved outcomes for patients with schizophrenia.

AI in Therapy

AI is also being used to improve the delivery of therapy for mental health conditions. For example, AI-powered chatbots can provide patients with 24/7 access to therapy and support, which can be especially beneficial for those living in rural or remote areas who may not have access to in-person therapy. Additionally, AI can be used to analyze patterns in therapy sessions, such as the words and phrases used by the therapist and the patient, to identify areas where the therapy may be most effective.

One example of this is the use of AI-powered virtual reality (VR) therapy for patients with PTSD. VR therapy allows patients to safely revisit traumatic events and process them in a controlled environment. AI can analyze the patient’s reactions and responses in real-time, providing the therapist with valuable information about the patient’s progress and areas where the therapy may need to be adjusted.

Challenges and Limitations

While AI has the potential to revolutionize mental health diagnosis and treatment, there are also significant challenges and limitations that must be addressed. One major challenge is the ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in mental health, particularly with regards to privacy and the potential for bias. Additionally, there is a lack of regulation and oversight in the field of AI in mental health, which can lead to inconsistencies in the quality and effectiveness of AI-powered mental health services.

Another limitation of AI in mental health is the lack of understanding about how AI-powered systems work. Many mental health professionals may be hesitant to use AI-powered tools because they do not fully understand how the technology works or how to interpret the results. This can lead to mistrust and a lack of adoption of AI-powered tools by mental health professionals.


Despite these challenges and limitations, AI has the potential to revolutionize the field of mental health by improving the accuracy and speed of diagnosis, creating personalized treatment plans, and improving the delivery of therapy. However, it is important that the ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in mental health are addressed, and that there is proper regulation and oversight in place to ensure the quality and effectiveness of AI-powered mental health services. Additionally, it is important that mental health professionals are educated and trained on how to use and interpret the results of AI-powered tools.

As the field of AI in mental health continues to evolve, it is important to stay informed and open to new developments. With the right approach, AI has the potential to greatly improve the lives of those living with mental health conditions.

In a nutshell, AI can be a powerful tool in mental health diagnosis and therapy treatment, but it’s important to consider the ethical and regulatory aspects of it, and also to educate and train mental health professionals on how to use and interpret the results of AI-powered tools.

Using Virtual Reality in Therapy: A New Frontier for Mental Health

Virtual reality (VR) technology has come a long way in recent years, and its potential for use in therapy is becoming increasingly clear. By immersing patients in virtual environments that simulate real-world situations, VR therapy can help individuals work through a variety of mental health conditions in a safe and controlled way.

Origin of Virtual Reality

The very first mentions of virtual reality can be traced back to the 1930s and 40s, when a group of scientists first began experimenting with the ideology of creating immersive, computer-generated environments. One of the earliest examples of virtual reality technology was the “Sensorama,” a machine that used a combination of stereo displays, stereo sound, and even smells to create an immersive experience for the user.

In the 1960s and 1970s, computer scientist Ivan Sutherland developed the “Sword of Damocles,” a head-mounted display that allowed users to view a computer-generated 3D environment. This was considered as the first true virtual reality (VR) headset.

Throughout the 1980s and 90s, the development of virtual reality technology continued with the introduction of new hardware, such as data gloves and motion tracking systems. However, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that virtual reality began to gain mainstream attention, with the release of consumer VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive.

Nowadays, virtual reality technology has advanced significantly, and it is being used in many fields, including gaming, entertainment, education, training, and therapy. Furthermore, it has also been widely used for remote communication and collaboration, in fields such as remote work, remote learning, and telemedicine.

The Advantages of VR Therapy

One of the key advantages of VR therapy is that it allows patients to confront and work through their fears and anxieties in a safe and controlled environment. For example, someone with a fear of flying can use VR to simulate a flight and gradually become desensitized to the experience. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may not be able to access real-world exposure therapy due to cost, accessibility, or safety concerns.

Another advantage of VR therapy is its ability to create customized treatment plans for each individual patient. For example, a therapist may use VR to simulate a specific situation that triggers a patient’s anxiety or PTSD symptoms and then work with the patient to develop coping strategies to deal with those symptoms.

The Challenges of VR Therapy

As with any new technology, there are challenges associated with using VR in therapy. One of the main challenges is the cost of the equipment and software. While the cost of VR technology is decreasing, it is still a significant investment for many therapy practices.

Another challenge is the lack of research on the long-term effectiveness of VR therapy. While there have been many small studies with promising results, we need to conduct more studies to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of using VR in therapy.

The Future of VR Therapy

Despite the challenges, it’s clear that VR has the potential to be a valuable tool in the mental health field. As VR technology continues to improve and become more accessible, it’s likely that we will see more and more therapists incorporating VR into their practices.

How Can Therapy Be Facilitated in a Virtual Reality

Therapy in virtual reality (VR) can be facilitated in a number of ways, depending on the specific needs and goals of the patient. Here are a few examples of how therapy can be facilitated in a VR environment:

  1. Exposure therapy: VR can be used to simulate real-world situations that may trigger a patient’s anxiety or phobia. The patient can then work with a therapist to develop coping strategies to deal with these triggers in a safe and controlled environment.
  2. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: VR can be used to create calming and relaxing virtual environments, such as a beach or a forest, to help patients practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
  3. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): VR can be used to simulate real-world situations that may be causing negative thoughts and behaviors. The patient can then work with a therapist to identify and challenge these thoughts and behaviors in a safe and controlled environment.
  4. Skills training: VR can be used to simulate real-world situations in which patients can practice and improve social and communication skills.
  5. Virtual reality therapy for PTSD: VR can be used to simulate traumatic events that the patient experienced, allowing patients to process and work through their trauma in a safe, controlled environment.

It is important to note that VR therapy should always be done under the guidance of a licensed therapist and the therapy should be tailored to the individual patient’s needs and goals.

In Conclusion

Virtual reality therapy is a new frontier in mental health treatment that offers many potential benefits, including the ability to confront and work through fears and anxieties in a safe and controlled environment, and to create customized treatment plans for each patient. While there are challenges associated with using VR in therapy, such as cost and lack of long-term research, the potential benefits of this technology make it worth exploring further. As VR technology continues to improve and become more accessible, it’s likely that we will see more and more therapists incorporating VR into their practices.

Counseling Advantages Through Technology

The impact of technology on our lives is positive, but it also has its ups and downs. Here we will discuss the advantages of technology and how it can make our lives easier. We will learn more about technology’s contribution to the counseling process. If you want to know more about the significant advantages of technology, continue reading.

counselors provide the best mental healthcare services.

The ability of technology has revolutionized life, food, medicine, vehicle, machinery, videos, teaching skills and techniques, companies, tasks, space, and many fields and possibilities around the globe. It’s important and has become an integral part of our lives. If you are interested in discovering information about the advantages of technology, this is the perfect lesson or educational technology write-up for you.

The Benefits Of Technology In Counseling

How can the community of people, specifically children use the advantages of technology? What are the example contributions of technology in counseling?

Aside from providing many benefits in daily life, modern technology is cost-effective. It helps with utility bills, and better communication, and a technological device or phone encourages active participation in your social media life. It assists young students in saving time if they use technology in the classroom. Technologies also help businesses to stay relevant in society. It supports better business advancements in the future and in the long run with less mobility of humans and with automation from machines.


Technological advancements in today’s era have replaced many manual tasks or work and processes in the 21st century. The growth of instructional technology has been so rapid pace and widespread that it has transformed almost all industries and sectors, including electronics. Nowadays, technology is used widely in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, technology in education, and communication, something that the people in the past only imagined.

More Fun, Engaging And Supports Effective Communication

The latest technology in science is far from the world’s century ago because it’s more fun and engaging. Technology advances support effective communication that saves time, important data, and productivity of companies.

For instance, technology has become genuinely helpful in treatments and medications in today’s generation compared to the past few decades. That is because it provides the most advantageous means to help counselors, therapists, doctors, and other medical professionals to accomplish their jobs more effectively and efficiently. The perks of computers and the world wide web internet and other types of technology are significant.

Let’s Look Into The Advantages

Since people are technically more engaged in the tech world, they’re focused on integrating technology innovations most of the time. The advantage it gives is the main reason they are so open about incorporating technology into their lives. Through it, people can do counseling online and online learning for students. This is one of the most common advantages of technology advances and other forms of it.


Advantages Of Utilizing Technology

Resource And Information

Counselors utilize technology in various forms. Digitalization helps professionals conveniently access the materials available in the databases with customer information and adhere to learning and satisfying their needs. It provides various resources for different kinds of information.

Resource and information support counselors to obtain adequate levels of digital literacy to understand their nature and role in people’s personal and professional lives and understand human behavior. The advantages of technology allow for alternative steps that need to be taken to ensure not to create obstacles for some clients.

The advantages of technology promote some alternative steps.

Communication And Collaboration Advantages

Understanding The Significance

Technology evolution is significant in resources and information technology serves as an essential input for all types of organizations and global revolution. Professionals take advantage of it effective communication and use it for chat rooms, e-mail, virtual shared environments, online conferences, video conferencing, and other electronic meeting services. New technology enables people to connect despite being far from each other. Technology also contributes to collaborative work so people can exchange information and create shared decisions with cost efficiency.

With technology’s advancement, clients can ethically and officially protect their profession and clients by using all known and reasonable security measures. Both can agree to solidify interaction through uniform standards of training and practice of counseling with a focus that includes a holistic counseling experience.

Helps With Productivity And Research

Technological advancements support the development of maturing software and Web-based programming that launches new levels of available digital tools. These new innovations such as artificial intelligence sustain the need for customized services for the counseling profession.

These highly advanced tools help counselors develop and create anything, including personalized business cards, Website links, schedules, and appointments. Some examples of interactive tools that help counselors include the conversion of text to speech, typing skills, electronic data transfer, and graph creation. It also helps in determining the creativity and interactive effects of popular and newest prescription drugs.

Counselors and clients benefit from modern technology research programs as they can effectively harness the power and function of hardware and software. The future of AI in mental health crisis support might also mean that they’ll have additional tools to assist their patients. Counselors have a great advantage in handling multiple clients without thinking about the limitations of their innovative competence. It is a viable interactive medium that removes pressure and discomfort during counseling sessions.

Moreover, technology programs have made it easier for us to carry out daily operations. Whether it’s something as simple as ordering a pizza or booking a flight, surely, this aspect of technology has helped implement convenient ways for people to live.

innovation helps counselors with their sessions with clients

Provides Convenience When It Comes To Counseling Services

Growing in popularity is counselors’ use of new media technology to meet clients and deliver counseling services in a virtual or online environment. It has been great at providing convenience when it comes to the distance-related matter of e-counseling. Counselors utilize it to immediately address their patient’s needs and assist them on scheduled time regardless of the situation. They might even be able to meet “in person” by employing VR sessions and VR-based pain management techniques.

It Offers Better Access To Healthcare Professionals

Aside from that, counseling’s delivery of service can enhance consistency as both patients and professionals possibly come up with regular involvement. That is because modern technology offers better access to healthcare professionals who may not be available in their geographic location.

And since there is an alternative to face-to-face sessions without social disconnect, clients or patients can feel financially better because they can remove travel expenses. They can also have access to more specialists and select healthcare who can work with their schedules better and not stick to one country only.

The Takeaway

It is significantly important to understand that new technology contributes mainly to the futuristic progress of counseling, but it is still not perfect. There are technically tons of considerations that need to be taken as some pitfalls in real life can happen almost instantly.

Thus, counselors should have the knowledge and provide practical mental and emotional services to clients during limited nonverbal or extraverbal behavior in some particular place. Counseling can be a valuable help to solve problems as long as people take it seriously.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 10 advantages of new technology?

What are the advantages of technology today?

What are the 7 advantages of innovation in education?

What are the advantages of innovation to students?

What are the 6 advantages of innovation in the classroom?

Is technology beneficial to education?

Do technology and artificial intelligence make life better?

What are the functions of new innovation?

How latest innovation is changing our lives?

Can technology save the world?

How innovation has made our lives easier?

How technology makes us smarter?

How technology can change the world?

How innovation has helped society?

How does innovation improve learning?

The Primary Goals And Benefits Of E-Counseling

E-counseling services are administered by licensed counselors as advisers who know how to identify goals and potential solutions to people’s life problems and difficulties. Fortunately, alongside the difficulty of providing guidance services is the opportunity given by technological advancement. When it comes to the picture of mental health services, you can opt for online treatment services or online therapy providers instead of traditional ones. Understand how this helps and know how you can benefit from it.

The treatment has been preferred by both professionals and clients nowadays. The primary goals of the therapy are to provide accessibility, affordability, and convenience. Let’s further discuss online counseling in this article.

E-therapy has benefits for people in the remote areas


The use of cyber counseling, online therapy platforms, and tools by social workers, psychologists, and other mental health providers is on the rise. A reliable survey by the American Psychiatric Association showed that in 2017, 54% of research respondents used some form of online counseling, up from 42% in 2014, to control depression.

One of the benefits of technology paired with counseling is that it can make therapy more accessible to people who might not otherwise seek help on-site. That’s important because untreated mental illnesses like bipolar disorder can lead to serious consequences, including job loss, human connection problems, and suicidal thoughts or attempts. So, it’s important to read and explore educational articles about online therapy.

What Entails Online Counseling And How Does It Work?

Technology is now an essential part of counseling as it potentially increases free time in the lives of patients and practitioners. Processing and contacting the insurance company in the comfort of your own home or any private space is also quite easy through online therapy. Those individuals who previously could not find even a little dedicated time for treatment sessions could now access professional help and contact therapists with the tip of their hands through online therapy sessions.

With the help of mobile devices, both patients and the primary care physician or online counseling mental health professionals can interact and assist in building a relationship. E-counseling may provide a better avenue to help build the relationship. Aside from that, mobile devices can support better communication, especially in remote areas where treatment is somehow out of reach. The best part of utilizing mobile gadgets is that both patients and e-counselors can secure convenience, affordability, and fewer restrictions. This approach then can be a very good option.

But it is essential to note that while technology may be a good source of collaboration, it can still fail in some aspects. Visiting a therapist’s office and seeking face-to-face therapy or traditional therapy is still a viable option to get an appointment. Both patients’ and professionals’ safety and privacy can be at risk. That is because utilizing technology in treatment only works when information gets transmitted properly by an online counselor or doctor.

Therefore, information leaks and hacks can become more of a concern. Aside from that, while technology offers convenience, it lacks in response to critical situations, meaning it would be difficult to access treatment when it gets badly needed by patients. As a result, it is not as dependable as face-to-face counseling.

As the world changes, so do the ways in which people seek out support and solutions. This is especially true for children or adolescents seeking teen counseling or pride counseling with limited or no health insurance. In years past, if someone was experiencing difficulties in their life journey, like people suffering from stress, anxiety, or suicidal tendencies, they might have turned to a traditional counselor or therapist for accurate and criteria-based play help. Now, seeking help can be easy through etherapy which can be conducted through video chat or online chat. This help is curated by numerous up-to-date reviews so engaging in it can significantly impact your life.

Treatment in a technologically innovative world

Counseling: Helpful Treatment

Utilization of Virtual Augmented Reality

Technology has come a long way it now proved that it is capable of almost anything. Thus, the utilization of virtual-augmented reality in mental health counseling is becoming extremely sophisticated. In addition, therapy online can support patients-professionals relationships so that both can benefit from the look and feel of an in-person consultation.

A recent study about patients’ simulations shows that virtual-augmented reality can be an effective instrument for the increased brief clinical interviewing skills applicable to people who have behavioral problems. Therefore, shortly, everyone can expect VR technology to help provide standardized and more accessible clinical training in environmental exposure.

But then again, though VR technology sounds very promising, it may still have difficulties in erasing the patient-professional barrier to giving mental health care. Yes, it can be useful in various situations, especially when the concern is an in-depth understanding of the patient’s condition.

However, VR cannot process immediate support and assistance from a trained e-counselor. It would be very difficult to assist patients with severe symptoms of a mental health condition. The scope of mental health treatment can be limited to instructional procedures only, which is typically not effective in more complex situations.

You can access this treatment through a click on internet

The Internet Can Save The Day

As bad as the situation of individuals could get, they can still rely on virtual counseling anytime and anywhere. They can utilize technology and the internet due to the flexible nature of their services.

Some e-counselors believe that the even more encouraging effect of digital interventions in giving pieces of advice is to provide a positive experience for patients to convince them to go on and consider seeking face-to-face guidance.

And since there is a positive approach in treatment therapy sessions, patients and professionals can build strong connections even before they get in touch personally. Both in-person therapy and e-therapy support mental health issues.

Thus, other mental health professionals believe that it can bridge the gap in social interaction. In addition, technology can help encourage patients to verbalize particular subjects of their mental health conditions and even make personal interpretations.

But despite the compromising benefits of the treatment, there are still some issues that e-counselors need to address in particular. The most common thing that patients and e-counselors complain about it is miscommunication. Professionals cannot easily access body language information from the patients, leading to a greater risk of missing significant non-verbal cues.

In some aspects, the patients might also have serious mental health problems, bringing their complex thoughts and emotions into words. And the worse of all, a very unreliable internet connection may jeopardize and interrupt the delivery and flow of the treatment session.

Final Thoughts

Treatment in a technologically innovative world comes with pros and cons. If people want to utilize convenience and affordability, that is okay. However, they should also consider looking at some important factors that might affect such a service. Technology is okay as it provides great benefits when it comes to immediate response.

However, it might threaten human-to-human relationships at some point. So, again, people should take the time to learn what is more convenient and effective for their mental health needs.

If you want to access more about e-counseling content, subscribe to your local lifestyle magazine or press. You have the option to send them a handwritten or typed letter of intent. Once they receive your letter, they will provide you with notifications about whether or not your subscription has been approved. But most of the time, they do, regardless of your field. So, ensure proper compensation.


What Are The Disadvantages Of Online Counseling?

Is Zoom Therapy As Effective As In Person?

The effectiveness of Zoom therapy compared to in-person therapy varies depending on individual preferences, therapy type, therapist competence, technology, comfort levels, and the convenience of receiving therapy from the comfort of one’s home. While some people may find Zoom therapy just as effective and convenient, others may prefer the in-person, face to face experience for its personal connection. Ultimately, the choice between e counseling and in-person therapy depends on individual needs and circumstances.

Is Online Therapy Recorded?

Is Virtual Therapy Safe?

What Are The Benefits Of Online Counseling?

Online counseling offers several advantages, including convenience, accessibility, flexibility, and privacy, making it a valuable option for individuals dealing with depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Clients with depression may find it easier to engage in therapy from the comfort of their homes, reducing barriers to seeking help. They can choose online therapists experienced in treating depression and customize their sessions to their specific needs. However, the decision between online therapy services and in-person therapy should be based on individual preferences and circumstances.

What is the best professional counseling app?

Online therapy uses digital tools like video calls or phone chats, allowing clients to connect with therapists from home. It offers flexibility and privacy, resembling traditional therapy sessions, with discussions and therapeutic techniques tailored to the client’s needs. Clients find a therapist online to access mental health services. Privacy and confidentiality are paramount, and payment is often handled securely online. Online therapy offers flexibility and accessibility, making it a valuable option for mental health support, though it’s crucial to select a reputable therapist and platform.

What is email counseling?

What is online therapy in college?

When did online counseling start?

How do I prepare for an online counseling session?

To prepare for an online counseling session and access mental health services, start by ensuring your technology works smoothly, choose a private and quiet space, and have any materials or notes you want to discuss on hand. Dress comfortably but in a way that helps you feel focused. Set clear goals for the session, minimize distractions, and have a backup plan for technical issues. Approach the session with an open mind and follow self-care afterward to reflect and relax. Your active participation and preparation in the therapy services play a vital role in making the session productive and beneficial for your mental health.

How technology is useful in counseling?

How do you conduct online counseling?

What are the reviews about online therapy?

What are the ethical principles of online therapy?


Frequently Asked Questions On Light Therapy

Light therapy? How does it work in treatment?

a woman who feels SAD need to get as much natural BLT exposure as possible said by therapist

In recent years, several technological advancements offer relief and made our daily lives more comfortable. From communication to education to information, technology has made tasks more convenient and reliable.

Read on about light therapy to learn more about its benefits and features.

Understanding Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, bright light therapy, or bright white light therapy, is a therapy used to treat a variety of mental health conditions using light therapy devices such as smaller light boxes and blue light.


How Does Therapy Using Light Help?

Apart from these, technology has also been helpful in terms of medical treatment. For example, technology paved the way for the development of commercially available phototherapy devices for seasonal affective disorder.

Furthermore, the light intensity and light exposure it emits help combat sleep disorders, mood disorders, bipolar depression, nonseasonal depression and seasonal depression, among other things. It is more effective than antidepressant medication alone according to a randomized clinical trial. It is a guaranteed advice that it works!

Seasonal Affective Disorder

As we discuss the sessions here, we will relate it to a condition that has been proven to benefit tremendously from light therapy – seasonal affective disorder.

What is light therapy? How does light therapy work? And is therapy using light harder to find than natural sunlight? The seasonal affective disorder consists of episodes of major depressive disorder and/or restlessness that occur regularly during a particular timing of the year.


Winter depression is the most prevalent form of SAD. It exhibits repeated episodes of specific depression symptoms that occur in the fall or winter.

Symptoms You Should Be Looking Out For

  • Oversleeping
  • Craving for energy-rich foods
  • Weight Gain
  • Social withdrawal

If left untreated, this condition can get complicated. It can lead to serious problems, including school or work problems, substance abuse, self-harm, and other mental disorders. Also, it can generally be remiss during the upcoming spring or summer. So where does light therapy come in? How does it work with SAD?

The specific cause of SAD is unknown. But the reduction of sunlight exposure can end up triggering SAD. Seasonal changes can also lead to circadian rhythm sleep disorders and disrupt the internal body clock.


It can then trigger winter depression which can be caused by a significant drop in both serotonin and melatonin levels.

Bright Light Treatment

Does bright light treatment really help with depression? Specifically, some are more likely to develop SAD than others. Those who have major depression or bipolar disorder are more likely to develop SAD. Having relatives with SAD or another form of depression also increases the risk of acquiring SAD.


According to medical reviews, living far from the equator can increase the risk for SAD due to a significant drop in sunlight exposure or outdoor light.

Does Lights Therapy Have An Effect On Bipolar Disorder?

People who experience SAD need as much natural light therapy exposure as possible, especially early in the morning. However, this may not apply to some areas due to the darker winter months. Thus, the use of this therapy coupled with other primary treatments for SAD can significantly improve your condition.

What Is Light Full-Spectrum Treatment?

Full-spectrum visible light therapy is primarily used for treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Also known as “winter depression,” it occurs typically during this period due to the lack of sunlight.

This session makes use of boxes with full-spectrum lighting, which mimics the wavelengths of natural sun rays. Exposure to this therapy has been said to work well to treat SAD and other types of depression, according to sleep medicine clinics.

How Do You Use Full-Spectrum?

Full-spectrum light therapy is a simple and straightforward process. You simply have to sit or stay near a light box. This box emits light with filtered UV light rays, which duplicates the natural daylight or light during the time of the day. It effectively mimics the visible light spectrum, hence, making the sessions work for winter depression.

The bright light supports by activating retinal cells that have a connection to the brain’s hypothalamus, which is an area that regulates the circadian rhythm. Stimulating the hypothalamus at specific times daily can re-establish a regular circadian rhythm, hence, getting rid of the seasonal symptoms.

Does Full Spectrum Really Work?

Yes, light therapy does but do note that full-spectrum is not a suitable treatment option for everyone. Some people may experience successful results with full-spectrum addressing SAD and other types of depression. However, a mental health professional or a therapist would often combine this treatment with other methods to achieve the best results.

What Are The Best Lamps For SAD?

The best lamp for SAD should have at least 10,000-lux box intensity. It should be able to filter out harmful UV rays to avoid the risk of eye strain or damage and skin damage. Just a reminder that the best way to use the lamp is at least 16 to 24 inches proper distance from the face.

Does This Type Of Session Really Work For Wrinkles?

Various types of sessions address numerous concerns from aging, depression, and other disorders. A specific type called red light therapy (RLT) is used to solve skin disorders or conditions, including wrinkles. As its primary purpose is anti-aging, RLT uses red light with a low wavelength.

Is Therapy Using Light Effective For Acne Treatment?

Usually, three sessions weekly for an estimated span of four to six weeks is a typical recommendation to initiate. Thereafter, the effects might have to be sustained by periodic follow-up therapies, probably around three months.

Is Therapy Using Light Dangerous?

Aside from reported minor side effects like headaches, full-spectrum is generally considered safe. Most wavelengths from full-spectrum lights are not harmful because they can filter out dangerous UV. Thus, it is safe even for kids.


Light Therapy

How Long Does It Take For Light Therapy To Work?

Many people starting light therapy usually respond to the treatment within 3 to 5 days. However, some therapy may take longer. The improvements may be delivered in the following week for those who didn’t see or experience any changes within the first week. But still, it can take longer than that.

Does full-spectrum help with vitamin D?

Yes. Some full-spectrum light bulbs can help synthesize vitamin D, particularly those with ultraviolet B (UVB). Full-spectrum light bulbs that generate around 290 and 315 nm UVB help our skin produce vitamin D.

What color is the full-spectrum light?

Full-spectrum lights appear blue or white-colored and simulate natural light to the human eye. These high color-spectrum sources have a CRI of around 80 and 90.

Is LED Full Spectrum?

Not all LED lights are full spectrum; it depends on the manufacturer’s instructions. However, most LED manufacturers produce LEDs with full-spectrum lights in various color temperatures.

Is 5000k Full-Spectrum?

The typical full-spectrum light has a color temperature of 6500k to match the natural daylight color. However, 5000k also meets the standard of full-spectrum lights as it can filter out yellow light from ordinary incandescent light. Some people prefer 5000k full-spectrum lights to the higher 6500k.

Are SAD lights for treatment bad for your open eyes?

No. The recommended boxes for SAD are usually safe for the eyes. These lightboxes can filter out harmful UV rays that are dangerous to the eye and the skin.

Can You Wear Glasses During The Treatment?

While there is no reason you cannot wear glass, it is not recommended for SAD treatment. Wearing glasses or contact lenses may decrease the treatment’s effectiveness in achieving optimal results.

Is Therapy Using Red Light A Hoax?

At present, there is still little research data on RLT as an effective treatment process. Although several studies show its potential applications, there is still a need for extensive clinical studies to determine conclusive evidence of its effectiveness.

Can Full Spectrum Rays Cause Skin Cancer?

No. The full-spectrum light design makes it so that it does not expose cancer-causing UV rays directly to the skin. Thus, you can use full-spectrum lights with confidence for an extended time.


Light Therapy

In summary, full-spectrum light therapy is a  primary treatment used by medical health care to control seasonal affective disorder, including winter depression. It mimics natural daylight using full boxes that produce blue or white-colored light.

It is a proven approach to treating SAD that works for most people. This treatment works in conjunction with other primary treatments. The recommendation is to use at least 10,000-lux light box intensity that can filter out harmful UV rays.

Light Therapy Notes

Generally considered safe, although full-spectrum lighting therapy can cause minor side effects like headaches. Recommended lighting treatment boxes for SAD filter out damaging UV rays and are safe for your eyes. Light therapy also protects your skin, so you can rest easily.

If you feel moody or haven’t been sleeping well, it may be time to see yourself in a new light, literally. Light helps regulate the natural rhythms of our body and mind, and not getting enough or the right kind of light can impact our health in surprising ways.

Exposure to this condition can intensify with an increase in exposure to light from our gadget screens and pandemic seclusion. Full-spectrum ray treatment may be the solution for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of light therapy?

Light therapy encompasses various types, including using light boxes, which are a common method, to address disorders like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or other affective disorders. Research has explored different approaches to minimize side effects and maximize therapeutic benefits.

What disorder is treated with light therapy?

Light therapy is primarily used to treat seasonal affective disorder SAD. The Light box is the most common device used for this purpose, emitting bright light to alleviate symptoms associated with this condition.

Is there any science behind light therapy?

Yes, there is scientific research supporting the efficacy of light therapy, particularly in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder and other affective disorders. Studies have shown that exposure to bright light can help regulate circadian rhythms and improve mood.

How long should you do light therapy?

The recommended duration for light therapy can vary depending on the specific disorder being treated and the intensity of the light used. Typically, daily sessions of 20-30 minutes in the morning are advised for individuals with SAD or other affective disorders.

What are the benefits of light therapy?

Light therapy offers several benefits, including the alleviation of symptoms associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other affective disorders. It can also help regulate circadian rhythms, improve overall mood and mental health, and enhance well-being.

Does light therapy help anxiety?

Light therapy has shown promise in helping to manage anxiety, although its effectiveness may vary from person to person. Research in this area is ongoing, and further studies are needed to fully understand the extent to which light therapy can help with anxiety.

How often should you do light therapy?

How long does bright light therapy take to work?

How does light therapy affect the brain?

Which type of light therapy is best?

Enhancing Mental Health Amidst Current Difficulties




A young man’s death by suicide startled entire Arizona in 1998. He was a sophomore at the University of Arizona. During that time, schools and colleges were short of mental health help and guidance. The entire country was struggling to reach out to students who were suffering from depression, anxiety, and other serious mental health problems.

Forward to today, as the current pandemic interferes and produces significant anxiety and stress to each of our daily lives, it has undoubtedly aggravated prevailing mental health problems among old and young people, a lot of whom have had to crawl to return to their homes or even find homes after abrupt campus lockdowns that needed adapting quickly to homeschooling or distance learning tools and settings. This is truly a devastating shift for students. But the ways that people from college communities reach out to each other during these times can definitely help deal with this young generation’s mental health, subsequently facilitating to lower the risks of suicide.

Solitude and seclusion – both of which can increase in this period of required physical distancing – are relevant risk factors for mental wellness challenges, along with suicidal behavioral patterns. Studies have shown that strong supportive connections and feelings of togetherness to fellow students, friends, family members, and teachers are efficient defensive factors that can significantly reduce the risk for self-harm and improve emotional wellness.

University programs worldwide have worked with schools to help them utilize an evidence-based strategy for suicide prevention and mental health improvement. This strategy may play a vital role in developing a culture of compassion and a safety net for students’ mental health. It entails establishing mental health as a top priority and executing an interdisciplinary leadership group that comprises students, teachers, and administrators. This group manages the progress and expansion of a broad plan for supporting students’ mental health and decreasing the risks for suicide and substance abuse.


More and more students are currently remotely engaged and are continually doing so throughout the end of the year, perhaps beyond this year. It is crucial to implement additional methods of creating effective approaches for student learning and mental health maintenance and improvement.

We suggest that universities and colleges aim to:

Encourage Social Bonds. The requirement for physical distancing doesn’t literally mean the loss of social connections. Teach the students to cultivate their friendships and keep in close contact remotely with their schoolmates and classmates. Some channels for building social bonds may include online study partners and study groups. Students may stay connected with their clubs and online networks and even join college-launched online social events. Teachers may also be there to support the students remotely.

Identify Who Are At Risk. Schools must recognize which students are at risk of having mental health conditions or suicidal behaviors. When keeping in touch with students through phone, text, email, or social media platforms, teachers and administrators can implement active listening concepts. If a student states a concern, be there to listen on all three levels – what the issue is about, how they are actually feeling, and how they respond to the situation. Ensure that teachers and students know where to go if they happen to identify fellow students who have developed depression or frustration. Additionally, schools can provide tips and recommendations to families on how they will know if their kids are in need of mental health support.

Improve On Help-Finding Behaviors. Young students who require help but are hesitant or uncertain about getting it might find it harder now to find support and get the care they need. In this unfamiliar environment, counseling facilities can launch virtual discussion clusters (also known as e-counseling), particularly for students, so they can have a go-to if they want to talk about something that’s worrying them.

School faculty and other staff can also keep track and reply to posts that college students share on social media. Encourage students to bond and connect online. This will allow them to share their questions and feelings that faculty members might not respond to right away.



Are you worried about a student? Don’t hesitate to ask him through a private message. “Are you feeling fine?” Find a specific reason why you are asking the question, like, “You seem unusually quiet today.” You should also know which agencies or groups to refer students who need support or other types of help. Also, make sure that these students know where to go or whom to call when they feel anxious, worried, or afraid that they might harm themselves.

Taking this mental health crisis in a broader scope will help develop a protective space for struggling students to live through these current difficulties. Mental health should be everyone’s concern, most especially now that we adapt to the fast-changing circumstances.



Teaching Senior Family Members How To Use A Smartphone

It has been a breeze to teach my child how to use a smartphone. If I’m honest, I don’t think I have given them a proper lesson. One day, I’m helping them click the videos they want to watch on YouTube. The next day, they can already open my phone, find the app, and look for their favorite clips.


However, the same cannot be said for my parents, who were both in their mid-60s. Out of all the things that they could want last Christmas, they asked for iPhones. Mom said, “My friends at the senior center were brandishing their new smartphones. Perhaps it’s not too late for us to get them, too.”

My sister supported the idea 100%, but I didn’t. She was only cool with it because she would go away once the holiday season was over. As for me, I would be left to teach our elderly parents how to use their iPhones. And I already knew it wouldn’t be easy.

Still, for the sake of my two favorite seniors in the world, I thought of how I teach them how to operate a smartphone.


Set Up The Apps Accordingly

When the iPhones arrived, I let my parents took them out of their boxes and inspect the gadgets. They turned them up and down and side to side, reveling at how sleek and slim they looked. When they asked me to open the devices for them, I took the smartphones out of their grasps to set them up first.

I may have done things differently and merely guided them through the setup process, but my folks had no idea what to do. Even if they could see the screen options, they were too scared to mess up or, worse, break their iPhones.

Once the phones had been registered to Apple, I created two different folders on each gadget. One of them contained the apps for contacts, text messages, calls, alarms, gallery, camera, and other miscellaneous items. The other was filled with Spotify, Facebook, YouTube, FaceTime, and more “fun” applications.

Some might think that it was overkill, but taking this extra step meant that the elderly would only need to focus on two folders instead of flipping through different slides. That would have made my parents’ heads spin.


Make Your Explanations As Simple As Possible

Since we got them the same model that I used, it was easy to hand the smartphones back to my parents as I held my device for proper presentation. After figuring out which hand was more comfortable holding the new gadget, I proceeded to teach them the basics. E.g., turning on the phone, finding a contact to text or call, and using FaceTime.

We spent an hour doing those three things, but I took that as a win. The lesson time shortened because I tried to explain everything in the simplest possible way. It could have taken us all day, primarily if I used all the technical terms.

On the second day of our iPhone 101, my folks wanted to learn how to play music and videos and take pictures, so that’s what we did. I also gave them a list of the apps found in separate folders to look for them on their own. On the same day, they managed to video chat with my sister and see and play their theme song via Spotify.


Try Not To Get Frustrated When The Ask The Same Questions One Too Many Times

The thing I dreaded happened not too long after our first lesson. I came home from work and noticed that my parents’ car was parked at the curb. When I stepped into the living room, they greeted me quickly before telling me that neither could turn on their iPhone. So, I showed them how it’s done. Some days later, I found them waiting at home for me again. This time, they asked me to help them reply to a friend’s text message.

Did I feel frustrated? Of course! Mom and Dad bombarded me with similar questions in the next few weeks. Sometimes, they would even call our landline phone in the middle of the night to ask how to do this or that, as if we had never gone over it before.

Despite that, I never expressed my frustration with my parents. I figured that getting mad at them for something this small could make them feel bad and rejected. Thus, I created a detailed booklet for them, complete with the images on their screen when they clicked the right things. It seemed to help because the calls I received significantly reduced after that.


Final Thoughts

Elderly parents want to feel like a sense of belonging in a world where everyone’s nose is almost touching the screens of various gadgets. If your folks want to learn how to use a smartphone, there’s no valid reason for you not to do it. After all, giving them a crash course to iPhone usage is nothing compared to everything they have done in your favor while you’re growing up.

Home Schooling Approaches During COVID-19



As the coronavirus started to proliferate, schools immediately closed, shutting down facilities and moving classes online. This led to a lot of parents to play a new role – as a teacher.

With over 50,000 COVID-19 deaths in the United States, governments have implemented social distancing measures and stay-at-home guidelines. Some officials in the government have announced that schools will remain closed until spring, while others have already continued their summer classes online, anticipating the probability of remote instructions for the fall season. Amidst the pandemic, the necessity for children and adults to be educated at all levels persists.

Many families right now are assisting their kids’ homeschooling. With this, they must keep in touch with their current school. It is true, though, that not all schools are reasonably capable of providing remote learning, which may add to the challenges that parents are facing with their K-12 students. Also, some of these students do not have Internet access in their homes or to any electronic devices for homework.


Bearing in mind the daunting situation that parents are now finding themselves in, they, along with some researchers, reached out to educators to better understand the different strategies to homeschool for the short and long terms.

Short-term Strategy

Educators agree that what students across the country are experiencing now is not the conventional homeschooling setup, and they would rather call it ‘schooling at home.’ Instead of abiding with the strategies created by parents, students are following the guidance from their corresponding schools via online learning, while lesson plans are brought home. But despite the guidance, managing the K-12 arena can be exasperating for parents. It does take a lot of patience, according to most parents that were interviewed about how they were doing and feeling about the whole thing. It is truly understandable, as they are not only parents, but they’ve also become substitute teachers.

Long-term Strategy

Parents who have been contemplating homeschooling after the pandemic has subsided must comprehend the tremendous commitment needed. In the first place, they must be willing to invest their time and effort, just as these are the virtues that you are asking from a private or public school teacher. What’s another important thing here? Organization.


Josh, a student we will use as a sample, has a school schedule that starts at 6 AM, beginning with breakfast. He then starts his school with the math subject, with his mom concentrating on teaching the subject to him and his younger sister. His lessons would often get done by lunchtime. For supplementation, his parents enrolled him in activities like dancing and joining interesting clubs where he can interact with other students. Josh says that as long as his schoolwork and other classes are done, he can have the rest of the day all to himself.

This is a long-term approach for parents. Educators state that families must try to understand educational requirements and create a plan that encompasses several years of school. They also need to think about the outcomes and what they want their children to do after high school graduation. Parents should recognize their children’s strengths and weaknesses to encourage them to do better and pursue what they’re really best at.

Parents opt for homeschooling programs for several reasons. A study published last month revealed that in 2012, more than 90% of parents who homeschooled their children were anxious about the environment in terms of drugs, safety, or negative peer influence. Another 64% requested for more lessons on morals and religion. Other reasons had kids with disabilities or mental and emotional problems.


These reasons reflect the unclear outcomes for homeschooling programs. It is possible, though opinions of both critics and the supporters are true. Some students do not succeed when they are homeschooled. Ultimately, the end game for providing their students with an effective and safe homeschool experience boils down to the parents’ commitment.

This huge transition in routine can take a massive toll on parents’ well-being, which online counseling apps like BetterHelp can address. They also have social media extensions, which both kids and parents can benefit from.

Homeschooling is also a job. If parents are willing to be the teacher and instructor, then they must make time to educate.