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HEAT Clinic

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HEAT Clinic - Telehealth

HEAT has a full-force Clinic that provides comprehensive medical care, case management, HIV counseling and testing (C/T), mental health care, treatment adherence, outreach, support services, transgender healthcare, and access to research for youth ages 13-29. HEAT is also home to four outreach, education, and prevention programs - the Goddess Project, the Renaissance Project, Project Harmony and the Brooklyn is PrEP’d Project. Each program is dedicated to the wellness, empowerment, and health equity of youth in communities of color and youth living with HIV/AIDS. Our Projects are always hosting fun and free events learn more about them by clicking on their logo below.

Our team of highly qualified staff ensures all individuals receive compassionate care from people who understand their needs.

HEAT LOGO 3D MASTER V2_edited.png

"Empowering the Future:
HEAT, Health Equity for At-Risk Teens".

Latest News & Updates

We believe that every young person, regardless of their background, deserves access to quality health care and support. Our mission is to empower HIV+ and at-risk youth aged 13 - 29 by providing them with the resources they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our Mission

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events at the moment

Join Our Cause

If you would like to support this important work, please consider an online gift to HEAT: Health & Education Alternatives for Teens.

Empower the Next Generation

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