The Dryad’s Crown by David Hopkins
ISBN: 979-8-218-18643-2
List price: $18.99 (paperback, 618 pages)

Also available as an audiobook and ebook.

Progress on War of the Hounds (the next novel)



“We get action, we get humor, we get character growth, we get world building and we have an overarching mystery that really hooked me.”
— FanFiAddict

“Hopkins cultivates a blend of strong characterization and powerful moral and ethical dilemmas that lend a special depth to the story.”
D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

“Epic fantasy at its finest."
— Rosaire Bushey, author of the 30 Stones Saga

“An accomplished and well-written tale leaving readers eager to keep exploring this intriguing world."
— Kirkus Reviews

“Quite the literary odyssey."
— B.S.H. Garcia, author of the Heart of Quinaria

“A welcome, inventive, humane fantasy, set at the scale of a single fascinating life."
— BookLife (editor's pick)

“A finely drawn world of both deep magic and gritty human struggle."
— Kathy L. Brown,

“Good for fans of fast paced fantasy with changing setting, morally gray characters, lots of lore and legend, action, themes of parenthood, loss and sacrifice, and so much more.”
Athena, OneReadingNurse blog